This is the Norwegian Blog Which is Based on the 2014 Edition of Junior EuroSong which will take Place in Malta Shipbuilding in Marsa the 15th of November (Live at the Junior EuroSong Website [] and on Television!
Tirana, Albania - Albania's Broadcaster, RTSH, had their worst Result Last Year in Amsterdam With 35 Points and ended at 12th Place as they were Represented by Igzidora Gjeta and the song Kam Një Këngë Vetëm për ju (I have only a song for you). Now, RTSH needs a talented Albanian Boy or Girl (or both) between 10-15 years. they are out of the competition, but as they have selected song, they are still in the competition
Here Below you can watch last years Albanian Entry, From Amsterdam (JESC 2012):
The Picture to Left is the first Flag of Greece when they took part between 1974-1978.
The Picture to Right is the Current Flag of Greece.
Athens, Greece - The Greek Television Service, ERT (Ellinikos Radio-Television) has been stopped their Television And Radio Service and the Leader of the EBU, Jean Paul Philippot and the EBU Director General, Ingrid Deltenre urged Mr Samaras “to use all his powers to immediately reverse this decision”. So it means NO Greece in EuroSong into the Future & Junior EuroSong into the Future for the Moment
Tbilisi, Georgia - Georgia did debate about their Participation in Kiyv, and they said yes to do so. their Progress is that if you want to take part, you have to be between 10-15 Years Old. they said that the song has to be either Imaginary or Georgian. and to send the song, please give them a post of your lyrics to:
Gröna Lund, Stockholm, Sweden - Sweden was the Second Country to Pick and they Selected Elias with the song "Det är Dit vi Ska'".
Elias (Full Name: Elias Elffors Elfström) was born in Stockholm (1998) and is 13 years old. He loves tacos, playing the piano and dancing all the time. His favourite artist is David Bowie and his favourite bands are Imagine Dragons and Linkin Park.
If you don't know the Song Det är dit vi ska', you can listen to it here:
Drammen, Norway - This Blog has Changed Name from "Junior EuroSong - Kiev 2013" to "Junior EuroSong 4 ever". This Was Been Decided by this Blog's Owner Claus M. Fasting. Stay Tuned for More Information about this!
These are in the Challenge to Follow Lova Sönnerbo's Footsteps to Kiyv!
Gröna Lund, Stockholm, Sweden - Tonight on SR (All Districts) is the Annual Lilla Melodi Festivalen live (AGAIN!) from Gröna Lund. This is the Order of act:
Märta Kölqvist och Mimi Bergman – "Var dej själv!"
Mathilda Lindström – "Lycka"
Elias Elffors Elfström – "Det är dit vi ska"
Klara Sundin – "Jag är en ros"
Rami Style – "Nivå från topp till tå"
Mazen Awad – "Kämpa"
Vilhelm Buchaus – "För alltid och en dag"
Tilda Anvemyr – "För alltid"
It will start at 17:00 and ends at 18:00 CET (Scandinavian Time). You can listen to it at SR's Radio Site.
Moscow, Russia - Russia did made their Choice on a little bit challenging way (They began at 08:05). and they choose Dayana Kirillova With the song Mechtay (Dream On).
Dayana Kirillova were born in Kazan, Tatarstan (Russia) in 2002. She is Currently 11 Years Old. She was Chosen to Represent Not Only Tatarstan, but also the Whole Wide Russia in Ukraine. Last Time she was in the Russian Final was last year, Seriously.
If you don't know the song Mechtay, Listen to it here: